The Miracle of Life, Return of Alex Saab To Venezuela

By Al R Suarez (AKA Alex Suarez)

The moment Ambassador Saab arrived safe and sound to Venezuela, with his wife and children waiting for him, December 20th, 2023

In a dream come true after 3 and a half years of struggle, Saab was returned home. The promise, I gave to his wife in late 2021 in Caracas, that I would do all I could from the Empire for his return, was fulfilled. 3 days after the release of my article in The Burning Spear, the official site for the African People’s Socialist Party who leads the Uhuru movement, calling for the revolutionary forces in the US to get behind Saab, as part of my ongoing efforts, he was released. A collective effort, of 1000s of comrades, from all over the world, and the genius of Bolivarian diplomacy along with the leadership of Maduro, brought him home against all odds. To have played a small part in this has been an honor I will tell my grandchildren about someday.

The night of the 20th I slept like a baby with the tension over Saab’s well being gone, as for once, our efforts bore fruit, and he was home with his family, his first day as a free man, the 21st, was his 52nd birthday, and what a wonderful present for him and his family in the holidays. Tears of joy as I embraced my father, also a Saab supporter, upon hearing the news online. At first I thought it might be fake news, but after it was confirmed an incredible joy came over me, and a hope the other prisoners of the Empire like Assange will be freed next.

Rather than get into the factors at play that resulted in his release, a victory for the anti imperialists of the world, the anti sanctions movement, the free speech anti colonial movement, and a defeat for the US Empire, I would like to get into the implications of the act itself, a diplomat defiant, tortured and beaten, losing teeth, being denied his cancer medication, all on US orders, but he would not utter a word against his leader, and he never sold out and in the end won, this is a message to all revolutionaries, the model, the conduct of Saab, we must all aspire to be like. Nor should we praise the Biden Regime, they owe compensation to Saab and his family, an apology, not just clemency, and as far as I know there is still sanctions on the bank accounts of his wife, Camilla Fabri de Saab and his son who I believe is only 20 years old. Money needs to be returned to this honest man and compensation for the unjust 3 and a half years taken from his life, his youngest daughter is only now getting to know her father.

Why do I put in the title the miracle of life? Am quoting Saab directly, who along side Maduro in his speech after the president spoke in Caracas, thanked many people in his humble tone, and said that life is a miracle, that its a miracle he is free. The injustice done to Saab will go down as one of the many stains of imperialism, but also one of the beautiful moments of a man who did not give up, who remained defiant, with dignity, and we must all aspire to be like. There is much more I intend to write, there may be another book to add on to The Diplomat book on Saab I wrote last year, but for now I will leave this as a brief article and a tribute to a great man I had the honor to be in touch with during his captivity and who I did all I could to assure his freedom. One person can make a difference, one man defiant can make a difference in history, never forget that comrades. Long live Saab! Long live Maduro!

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