A Reflection on Life

Today I reflected on the contradictions of life. How can life be so cruel that you live with a loved one but a part of them is gone forever and you miss them as you live with them? You hope for those moments, a look in the eyes, a word, that shows you the old them is still there and it lights up your day. It makes you humble on life and to appreciate every little piece of it while we are here. I often do not think of the afterlife, when I do I think more of it in regards to the possibility of reincarnation. I often feel I was born too late, could you reincarnate in reverse to an earlier life, or a parallel life, from another dimension? Am always fascinated with the 1970s, its music and culture, and yet I was born in the early 80s, it is a time I only know from imagination or perhaps reflections on a past life in my subconscious. Life at times begs the question, does God exist? If God existed would a child lose a parent when they are still little and need them? Would a good person get sick still relatively young when they have always tried to do right by their health and their family?

What of freedom? Does that which makes us think makes us free actually makes us lack freedom in the end? Human beings are social animals, we rely on each other, just as we rely on neighbors to help us sometimes or vice versa. Many of us are more timid than others, but personality aside, in the end humans need to socialize, and we must have certain freedoms as well to progress as a society. We have leaders, priests, whoever, who try to give us wisdom and explain the contradictions, but in the end its on us to decide how to interpret this cruel life, which at times can still give us moments of joy, which we can hang on to, to carry on, memories we try to keep via photographs and other mementos, which makes the human experience a little easier…

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